Constitutional Forum (32.4): Constitutional Crossroads Special Issue

Constitutional Forum, Issue 32.4 (2024)

Special Issue: Constitutional Crossroads, guest edited by Professors Hoi Kong & Margot Young




Hoi Kong & Margot Young, Editorial Introduction

Caitlin Salvino, R v Sharma's "Clarification" of the Section 15 Framework and its Creation of Unique Barriers for Disability-Based Equality Claims

Joanna Erdman, Abortion Rights Without Law: A Constitutional Reflection

Vrinda Narain, How Does it Feel to be a Problem? Inclusion and Exclusion and Quebec's Bill 21

Jie Cheng, The Legal Status of LGBTQ+ in China: A Law and Politics Perspective

Ran Hirschl, Comparative Constitutional Design: Northern Stagnation, Southern Innovation

Special Issue 32.2 (Legacies of Patriation): Constitutional Forum/Forum Constitutionnel

The Centre is pleased to announce the publication of a new special issue of the Constitutional Forum: Legacies of Patriation. 

This special issue of the Forum flows from an April 2022 conference that was co-organized by the Centre for Constitutional Studies at the University of Alberta, the Public Law Centre at the University of Ottawa, the Centre d’analyze politique: constitution et fédéralisme at l’Université du Québec à Montréal, and the Constitutional Studies Program at the University of Texas at Austin. View the conference program and session recordings here:


Issue 32.2: Home Page


Article Links:

Howard Leeson, Patriation and Section 35: The Role of Allan Blakeney in Securing Indigenous Rights

Colleen Sheppard, Patriation Paradigms: Sovereignty, Power, and Rights

Dwight Newman, Is Canadian Constitutional Law Canadian?

Constitutional Forum Constitutionnel: Issue 32.1




Table of Contents (PDF)

Ian Peach, The Individual is Not the Institution: The Flawed Logic of the New Brunswick Court of Queen’s Bench Decision in Acadian Society of New Brunswick v Right Honourable Prime Minister of Canada (PDF)

Jesse Hartery, Federalism and the Paramountcy Doctrine (PDF)

Tim Sheaff, A Minimalistic Approach to Severing the British Royal Family from Canada’s Constitution (PDF)

Adam Schenk, AB v Northwest Territories: A New Low for the Doré/Loyola Framework (PDF)

Constitutional Forum constitutionnel: Volume 31.3 (2022)

Special Issue - The Charter at Forty


  1. Introduction: The Charter at Forty
    Nariya Khasanova, Elise Sammons & Dax D'Orazio
  2. Canada’s Bilingual Constitution: An Unfulfilled Obligation
    François Larocque & Linda Cardinal
  3. From Isolation to Inclusion: How the Charter Changed our Perceptions of Being and Belonging
    Satya Brata Das
  4. Isolation and Human Rights: Arendt and the Charter at Forty
    Catherine Kellogg
  5. Two Roads to Guantanamo: The Canadian and United States Supreme Courts’ Approaches to the Extraterritorial Application of Fundamental Rights
    Adam Thurschwell

Constitutional Forum constitutionnel: Volume 31.2 (2022)

Special Issue - Dickson v Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation case

This special issue of the Forum, edited by Associate Professor Amy Swiffen, examines the Yukon Court of Appeal decision in Dickson v Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation. 

The Dickson case is ground-breaking, as it considers whether a residency requirement for elected officials by the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation can be shielded from a section 15 Charter challenge by section 25 of the Charter. Section 25 states that rights and freedoms in the Charter "shall not be construed so as to abrogate or derogate from any aboriginal, treaty or other rights or freedoms that pertain to the aboriginal peoples of Canada". The Court decided that when the exercise of self-government rights conflict with Charter rights, government power may be shielded from the Oakes test by section 25.

Rather than begin with the Charter as a starting point for approaching the case as the Court did, the authors in this issue begin with recognition of the inherent right of Indigenous peoples to self-govern. The case is currently on appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada.


  1. Introduction: Special Issue on Dickson v. Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, 2021 YKCA 5
    Amy Swiffen
  2. Checking our Attachment to the Charter and Respecting Indigenous Legal Orders: A Framework for Charter Application to Indigenous Governments
    Naiomi Metallic
  3. Towards a Renewed Relationship: Modern Treaties & the Recognition of Indigenous Law-Making Authority
    Kate Gunn
  4. Dickson v Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, Section 25 and a Plurinational Charter
    Amy Swiffen
  5. Doctrine Calling: Inherent Indigenous Jurisdiction in Vuntut Gwitchin
    Ryan Beaton
  6. The Paradox of Political Questions in Canadian Aboriginal Law: Why Dickson v  Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Requires Reconsideration of the Political Questions Doctrine in Canada
    Robert Hamilton

Constitutional Forum constitutionnel: Volume 31.1 (2022)

In this issue, edited by Colton Fehr (Assistant Professor, Simon Fraser University), and Jean-Christophe Bedard-Rubin (SJD candidate at the Faculty of Law of the University of Toronto and a Joseph Armand Bombardier Scholar) both Research Affiliates with the Centre for Constitutional Studies:


  1. Covid, Courts, Communists and Common Sense
    David M. Beatty
  2. Mandatory Covid-19 Vaccinations and the Charter
    Colton Fehr
  3. Minority Language School Boards and Personal Federalism in Canada - Recent and Ongoing Developments in Quebec
    Dave Guénette & Félix Mathieu

Constitutional Forum constitutionnel: Volume 30.4 (2021)


  1. Introduction: Pluralism, Contestation, and the Rule of Law
    Keith Cherry
  2. Bringing the Mixed Constitution Back In
    Mary Liston
  3. Are There "Sources of Resilience" When the Separation of Powers Breaks Down?
    Arjun Tremblay
  4. Harnessing Distrust and the Power of Intercession for the Separation of Powers
    Yann Allard-Tremblay
  5. Checking the Other and Checking the Self: Role Morality and the Separation of Powers
    Hillary Nye

Constitutional Forum constitutionnel: Volume 30.3 (2021)


  1. Quebec Bill 96 - Time For a Primer on Amending the Constitution
    Ian Peach

Constitutional Forum constitutionnel: Volume 30.2 (2021)

Table of Contents


i. Introduction
Patricia Paradis

1. Cautious Optimism: Fraser v Canada (Attorney General)
Jonnette Watson Hamilton

15. The Elephant in the Room and Straw Men on Fire
Fay Faraday

29. Intersections and Roads Untravelled: Sex and Family Status in Fraser v Canada
Jennifer Koshan

43. Critical Reflections on Fraser: What Equality Are We Seeking?
Sonia Lawrence

53. The Alchemy of Equality Rights
Joshua Sealy-Harrington

85. Comment on Fraser v Canada (AG): The More Things Change
Richard Moon

Constitutional Forum constitutionnel: Volume 30.1 (2021)


Toronto's 2018 Municipal Election, Rights of Democratic Participation, and Section 2(b) of the Charter
Jamie Cameron & Bailey Fox

Restricting Freedom of Peaceful Assembly During Public Health Emergencies
Kristopher E G Kinsinger

“This Charter applies…”: The Supreme Court of Canada’s Fundamental Error in the Trinity Western University decisions
Ian Peach

The Common Good and Legal Interpretation: A Response to Leonid Sirota and Mark Mancini
Stéphane Sérafin, Kerry Sun, Xavier Foccroulle Ménard