Charter Series: Property Rights and the Constitution

Can Women's Equal Rights Slay the Notwithstanding Dragon?

Righting Charter Violations

Download Sarah Burningham's presentation here.

The Charter’s Lesser-Known Section – Official Languages in the Charter

Please click here for Professor François Larocque's presentation.

Why is Free Expression so Controversial? Explaining the Law and Politics of a Fundamental Freedom

You can access Dax D'Orazio's presentation here.

Language Rights’ Real Most Valuable Player – Section 23 & Minority-Language Education

Download the presentation here.

The Notwithstanding Clause – Is it Justifiable?

Download Richard Mailey's presentation here.

Corporations and Section 12 – Protection from Cruel and Unusual Punishment

Excluding illegally obtained evidence under s 24(2) of the Charter

Download Professor Steven Penney's presentation here.

The Constitutional Right of Religious Freedom in Canada